


Audiotrails is a wearable piece referencing the body. The garment is a wearable controller, featuring a set of entrails that plug into different parts of the body for producing noise in conjunction with Arduino, serial, and max/msp.

The entrails are felted patch cords, with a conductive core of steel wool running through the center of each which terminates in a metal stud. These cords are designed to connect with metal sockets sewn into the garment with conductive thread and wired to a pin on an Arduino board. As the patch cords are connected to other parts of the dress, switches are completed and resistance values are read off the pins associated with each cord/snap; as the wearer plays with the cord, there is a change in resistance down the length of the felt which is interpreted from Arduino via serial to a max patch as changes in pitch, filtering effects, or whatever parameter the cord is mapped to within max/msp.

concept sketch

coil close-up

<p><img src=

socket detail

cord before felting

cord guts

entrails prototype